Why a Local Printing Partner Outweighs an Online Printing Service.

Local Printing ServicesIn the digital age, the convenience of online services is undeniable. With just a few clicks, you can have anything from books to groceries delivered to your doorstep. This digital convenience has extended to the printing industry, with a plethora of online printing services offering a quick, hands-off way to manage printing needs. However, when it comes to quality, personalized service, and supporting the community, local printing partners offer benefits that online services simply cannot match. Let us delve into why a local printing partner might be the superior choice for your printing needs.

The Unseen Value of Personal Touch

A majority of Americans agree that small businesses contribute positively to the community by providing jobs and generating tax revenue. When you walk into a local printer’s shop, you are greeted by people who live and work in the community. This familiarity breeds a level of trust and service that goes beyond transactional.

A local printer knows the local market and understands the nuances of the community, which is essential for businesses targeting a local customer base. Moreover, they offer a level of personalized service that online printing services cannot provide. Studies show that a significant number of customers say the experience a company provides is as important as its products and services. In practice, this means local printers will often go the extra mile to ensure your print job is perfect, offering one-on-one consultations, samples, and physical proofs.

Speed and Flexibility: When Time Is of the Essence

In business, time is often equated with money, and this is where local printers excel. Research has shown that more than half of consumers will switch to a competitor if it offers faster service. Local printers can often provide a faster turnaround because there is no need for shipping. If you have a last-minute print emergency, a local printer can be your lifeline, offering same-day services and immediate corrections if needed.

Quality Assurance: Seeing Is Believing

The ability to physically proof a product before the full run is a critical advantage. The number one reason for print product returns is poor quality. With local printers, you are able to check the quality of the paper, the accuracy of the colors, and the precision of the cut before the job is complete. This hands-on approach to quality control can save time and money on reprints and ensure that the final product meets or exceeds your expectations.

A Member of the Community

Choosing a local printer means supporting your local economy. According to the American Independent Business Alliance of every $100 spent at local small businesses, $48 stays in the local economy compared to only $14 with large businesses. Moreover, local businesses are more likely to support local events, sports teams, and charities—they invest in the community that sustains them. This symbiotic relationship strengthens the economic base of the community.

The Environmental Footprint: A Greener Option

The environmental impact of shipping is a growing concern as transportation costs contribute a significant amount to CO2 emissions. By using a local printer, you reduce the carbon footprint associated with the shipping of materials from online services. Moreover, local printers are more likely to source materials from nearby suppliers, further reducing transportation emissions.

Complex Projects Require a Master’s Touch

When it comes to complex print jobs, the expertise and hands-on assistance provided by local printers are invaluable. Local printers can offer advice on the best materials and techniques to use and help troubleshoot any issues that may arise during the printing process.

Cost Transparency and Hidden Savings

At first glance, online printing services may seem more affordable. However, a closer look often reveals hidden fees for shipping, handling, and expedited services. Local printers typically provide more transparent pricing, and while the base cost might be slightly higher, the overall expense is often lower when you factor in these hidden online fees.

In Conclusion

As you weigh the pros and cons of local vs. online printing services, remember the unique value that a community-focused provider like Kendall Press brings to your projects. With our commitment to personal service, quality, and supporting local businesses, we ensure that your printing needs are met with the utmost care and expertise. Don’t just take our word for it – experience the Kendall Press difference for yourself. Visit our website, give us a call, or schedule an in-person consultation.

Let us help you bring your next project to life with the perfect blend of professional quality and personal touch. Choose Kendall Press – where your printing needs are our top priority.

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175 McClellan Hwy
Boston, MA 02128
(617) 354-2584


8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Monday through Friday