CASS Certification

CASS is a United States Postal Service (USPS) acronym for Coding Accuracy Support System. The term CASS is widely used by the USPS when they refer to the <i>verification status</i> of an address list. In order for an address list to receive CASS certification, it must be checked against the USPS Address Matching System (AMS) CD-ROM, and the 11-digit delivery point ZIP code and corresponding barcode must be added. Only addresses with the delivery point ZIP code and barcode are eligible for “automation” bulk mailing rates. A mailing list must undergo address verification every six months (every three months for carrier route mailings) and is particularly important to mailers because of the difference between the “automation” and “non-automation” mailing rates, which is about $.05 per piece. For a 10,000 piece mailing, CASS certification of the address list could save the mailer approximately $500.

Our mailing services department uses the latest CASS certification technology (in-house) to help our customers keep the cost of their mailings as low as possible and to ensure a high percentage of delivery success.